public group
14 members
public group
14 members
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User Manual
User Manual

This manual aims to guide the user through the different functions of the product step by step.

1. Create a community

To create a community, fill out the required fields shown below and press Create Community.

After the community is created, you will be redirected to the sign-in page.
NOTE: You cannot sign in to the community until your email address is confirmed. This will be possible through the verification email you receive in your mailbox.

2. Authentication

2.1 Community sign up

As a community member, you can sign up for a community by filling out the sign-up form.

2.2 Sign in

After you confirm your email, you are allowed to sign in (log in) on the page. Click on the Login button and fill out the form.

2.3 Forgot password

On the sign-in form, click on “Forgot your password?” and enter your email address as per request. A password recovery email will be sent to your inbox shortly after. In the email, click on the Reset Password button.

3. Administration interface

The administration interface can be found under the /cp URL. For example, if your site URL is, then the admin can be found on Fill out the login form and click on “Log in”. You are allowed to manage your site settings and contents here.

3.1 Dashboard

After you logged in, you are allowed to access the dashboard. On the left side, you will find the navigation for the admin platform.

3.2 Roles and Permissions

Different communities can have different roles, but all communities will have all the basic role types at least: Community Administrator, Group Administrator, and Community Member.

3.2.1 Community Administrator

The Community Administrator has access to all features in their community and can see all users and data from the community. A community administrator has access to the interface and to the administration platform. Moreover, the Community Administrator has all the permissions on the site, can add, edit and delete users, create roles, add permissions to different roles, enable/disable features, add language, set radioactivity, customize the community platform, implement analytics code, create/delete/edit/unpublish groups, contents, categories, and tags. 

3.2.2 Group Administrator

The Group Administrator only has two permissions, he/she can create/edit/delete groups and add/accept/delete users from their group.

3.2.3 Community Member

Community Members don’t have the right to access the administration interface. They can only register on the site and are allowed to join a group and create posts and comments.

3.3 Users

In the Users section, you will find every member related to your community.

3.3.1 Create user

You can add new members by clicking on the Create User button.

You need to fill out the form (email, first name, and last name) and click on the “Next” button.

In the next step, you should define the role of the user. Click on the “Next” button if you selected the proper role.

In the last step, you can send the email to the user with a specific message. Click on “Create and Send Email” if you are finished.

After this step, you will be redirected to the User’s profile page and you can fill out some details about the user.

3.3.2 Edit user

You are allowed to edit the created user by clicking on the three dots and the “Edit User” button.

3.3.3 Edit user password

On the user edit page, you will see the “Change Password” button. Fill out the password fields and press the blue “Change Password” button.

3.3.4 Delete user

You can delete the user by clicking on the three dots and then the “Delete User” button.

You will get a pop-up asking what you would like to do with the user’s content.

Tree options are available:

1. No user: In this case, the user’s content will not be deleted and the username will be changed to No User.

2. Delete contents: All user-related content will be deleted such as posts, comments, news, events, pages, FAQs, and groups.

3. Assign to another user: As the name says, the user’s content will be assigned to the selected user.

3.4 Features

Under the feature menu, you will find features that can be switched on/off.

3.4.1 Enable Control Panel Google Translate

In the administration and user interface area, you can switch on/off the default Google Translate button which can be found in the page header, both in the administration area and in the user interface.

The administration interface looks like this:

The user interface looks like this:

3.5 Languages

The site is multilingual so you can add/remove languages. By default five languages are added (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian). Before creating content, we recommend setting up the language which would be shown on the page. The first language will be the site's default language. You need to set a minimum of one language for the website. You can sort the languages.

If you want to add a new language, scroll down and click on the “+” button to add a new empty field. Enter the language name and the ISO-639-1 code which can be found here (
NOTE: Please stick with the ISO-639-1 code. The title can be set as desired, but the code must be the ISO-639-1 code. The title field will be shown on the user interface.

3.6 Radioactivity settings

Every content on the page has its own radioactivity, which is used for search result sorting.

3.7 Translation

The translation is used for static contents like button names, default texts, etc.

If you already set up your languages, you are allowed to translate static content. By default, the first language is the default language. You can download the default CSV file which can be translated.
NOTE: Be careful to only edit the “B” column because the “A” column will be used to identify the translation strings.
If you finished with the translation, save the CSV and you can import it to your existing language.

If you selected the CSV file, click on the “Import” button and it will save your translation.

After that, you will be redirected to the main translation page and you will see your translation uploaded.

Now you can Export and Delete the translation. If you made a mistake in the translation, you should “Export”  then “Delete” and  “Import” again.

3.8 Customize design

You can customize the theme of the user interface. You can change the font, colors, favicon, and site logo. The site name also can be changed here.

3.9 Embed scripts

In this section, you can add third-party scripts to monitor the site activities. Please be careful where you paste your code because there are three different sections. When you get the script code, the third-party provider writes down where you should paste their code. It can be in the <head> section or after the <body> open tag or before the </body> close tag.

3.10 Navigation

The site has a header and footer navigation.

3.10.1 Header navigation

The header navigation has three default items which are: Stream, Groups, and FAQ. It is shown on the user interface. You can add/edit/remove items if you want.

3.10.2 Footer navigation

The footer navigation is the same as the header navigation. The only difference is that there are no default items, only predefined Privacy Policy and Terms of Use which can be changed. These items are shown on the user interface footer section.

3.11 Contents

By default, contents are created on the user interface but for administrative purposes, these contents are changeable throughout the admin interface.

3.11.1 Groups

Before you create any kind of content, you need to create a Group. Every content is related to one group.

If you create a new group, you need to add the title and the type of the group. We recommend adding information and uploading the group logo/image which helps identify the groups.

NOTE:  the group would only work if there is a minimum of one administrator and a minimum of one member. You can select one person for these two options:

Note: If you add Admin to the group, you should add him/her to the user's list too.

3.11.2 News

News is one of the most important content type of the group. It is to communicate news to your group members.

You can create news by clicking on the “Create Entry” button. As it was mentioned before, the contents are related to one Group so you need to select where your news would be shown.

The Radioactivity also can be changed here as per news:

3.11.3 Events

Group Events can be added/edited/removed under the Events menu.

To create/edit an event, fill in the Title, Assign group(s), and the start and end date-time. The Hero image, Short description, Description, Location, and Address fields are optional.

3.11.4 Knowledge / basic page

The knowledge/basic page can be used to create related content.

The basic page has a tree ordering system. You should order and sort it item by item.

Like in every content type, you need to select one group for this content.

All the pages are listed if you click on the list icon in the top right area. If you want to delete one page you are able to delete it here.

If you switch to the Tree view on the top-right icon, you will see the tree ordering system for the pages. This is a group-related Tree. First, select which group’s tree structure you would like to see.

You can add a new item to this tree by clicking on the “Add Entry to Tree” button.

If you add a new item, you can order the items by drag and drop.

Don't forget to click on the  “Save Changes” button after you reordered the items.

3.11.5 Posts

Posts are public messages for the group members or to the public, depending on the group type.

The post can be added/edited the same way as other content.

You can decide to allow or disallow comments below your post.

3.11.6 FAQs

The FAQ is used for making static content for your group like writing down some questions and answers.

The FAQ has a tree ordering system. You should order and sort it item by item.

Like in every content type, you need to select one group for this content. You can add related items to the FAQ, which means you can select items that you think are relevant to the current FAQ.

All FAQs can be seen by switching to the List view. If you want to delete one FAQ, you are able to delete it here.

If you switch to the Tree view on the top-right icon, you will see the tree ordering system for the FAQs. This is a group-related tree structure, therefore, you first need to select which group you would like to see in the tree.

You can add a new item to this tree by clicking on the “Add Entry to Tree” button.

If you add a new item, you can order the items by drag and drop.

Don't forget to click on the  “Save Changes” button after you reordered the items.

3.11.7 Categories

Categories are used for News, Events, FAQs, and Knowledge Pages to categorize your content. You can set new categories only in the Administration interface. The categories are visible on the User interface.

3.11.8 Tags

Tags are used for News, Events, FAQs, and Knowledge Pages to tag your content. You can set a new tag on the User interface and in the Administration interface.

3.11.9 Media library

In the Media library, you can find your community images. You can upload new ones and edit/delete them.

3.12 Static pages

Static pages are used for static content like Privacy Policy or Terms of Use. If your community is created by default, these two pages are created. You can edit them in this menu.

3.13 Account settings

The billing information can be found under the Account settings menu.

3.13.1 Billing information

You need to enter your billing information after your trial period has expired.

3.13.2. Billing information

Your billing history can be found in the Billing history menu.

3.13.3. Subscription plan

The available Subscription plans can be found under the Subscription plan menu.

4. User Interface

The user interface is the area where you can share posts, comments, news, FAQs, Pages.

4.1. User navigation

The top of the site has the user navigation. Here you can search, change the site language, check your notifications, and messages, and edit your profile. 

4.1.1 Search

The default search bar results will be visible if you start typing and you type a minimum of three characters. Most relevant results will be visible there. You can click on the arrows or the “See all results” text to navigate.

By clicking the “See all results”, you will see all the contents, and you can filter them on the right-side filter.

4.1.2 Messenger

You can invite members to have a 1:1 conversation or you can have a chat with multiple people.

On the left side, you can “Create conversations” by clicking on it.

Start typing the group member first or last name and the user list will be shown there. Select the member and click on the “Create” button.

Start typing your message and press “Send”. It will be shown on the top of the message bar.

When somebody messages you, you will get a notification on the top right corner.

You will find the message by clicking on the message icon.

You can reply to the message.

The user who you are texting will receive the notification immediately. 

4.1.3 Notifications

Your notifications can be found under the bell icon.

4.1.4 User profile

You can set up your profile settings by clicking on the dropdown menu next to your avatar and name. My profile (Profile information)

Your default information can be changed here and you can also upload your avatar here. Notifications settings

You can change your notifications here and choose which ones you would like to get. Change password

You can change your password by clicking on the “Change password” menu. Delete user

If you don’t want to be a part of the site you can delete yourself.

4.1.5 My Bookmarks

You can visit your bookmarked posts.

4.2. Streams

The homepage of your community is the Streams page. Some of your group contents are visible here like posts, news, and events.

It is ordered by date, the newest content is on the top of the page and the oldest is on the bottom. 

If you are in a group that has posts and you are logged in, the latest three can be found on the right sidebar.

You can like, dislike, follow and bookmark a post. You can also add a a new comments under the post.

4.3. Groups

The site groups can be found under the “Groups” menu.

If you want to visit a group, you should click on the “Visit Group” button.

4.3.1 Manage Group Join the group

By default, if the page is visible for the users, you can see the “Join Group” button and send your join request or you can join immediately depending on the group type. Group types

The group-related rules are the following:

  • The secret group is visible only for logged-in group members.

  • The closed group About page is visible only for logged-in users, and its content is visible only for group members.

  • The open group About page is visible to everyone, and its contents are visible only to registered users

  • Public groups and their contents are visible for to everyone. Create a Group

If you have a Group Admin role, you can create a group by clicking on the “Create a group” button.

4.3.2. About us

The main page of the group is the About page. Here you can see the group details.

4.3.3. Streams

The streams page contains the posts in the group. It can be visible on the main “Stream” page but it depends on the group type.

You can reply to the post by clicking on the “Add reply” section and pressing “Reply”. 

You also can Like/Dislike Reply and Like/Dislike and Follow posts. 

4.3.4. FAQ

The group-related FAQs can be found under the FAQ menu. As mentioned before, the FAQ is tree-ordered content. By clicking on the title of the FAQ, you can open it or click on the down arrow to expand the tree element.

If you have a Group Admin role, you can edit the tree structure and edit or remove items by clicking on the edit icon.

If you change the structure or edit/remove items, don't forget to save the changes.

4.3.5. Knowledge page

The group-related Knowledge Pages can be found under the Knowledge Page menu. As mentioned before, the Knowledge Page is tree-ordered content. By clicking on the title of the Knowledge Page, you can open it or you can click on the down arrow to expand the tree element.

If you have a Group Admin role, you can edit the tree structure and edit or remove items by clicking on the edit icon.

If you change the structure or edit/remove items don't forget to save the changes.

4.3.6. Settings

If you have a Group Admin role, you can edit the group.

4.3.7. Members

As a Group Admin, you can manage your team members.

You can search users by typing the name of the user in the search input field.

You can invite new members to be a part of your team by searching the name of the user and selecting them.

You can also accept or decline group join requests.

You can remove group members by clicking on the “Remove” button.

4.3.8. Events

Group-related events can be found under the “Events” menu. All events are listed here, so you can select your event and visit the details by clicking on the right-side arrow.

The event detail page looks like this:

Events can be edited/deleted by clicking on the three dots icon.

4.3.9. News

The news page can be found under the “News” menu.

It is the same as the events page, all the group news can be found here and are clickable. If you click on the right arrow, the details page is shown.

You can edit/remove news if you click on the three dots icon.

4.3.10. Add Item (News, events, page, FAQ)

Events, news, knowledge page, FAQ contents can be added to this menu. 

4.4. FAQ

The general FAQ page can be found in the main menu. It is a collection of your group FAQs.

All your group-related FAQs can be found here, separated as groups.

You can interact here with the Like/Dislike buttons.

4.5 Custom URLs

Site-related navigation can be changed in the Administration interface as mentioned before.

You can add or remove elements both in the footer and in the main menu.